Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Cape Barren Island, 1 year on

Well it has been a whole year since I arrived on Cape Barren Island. Time certainly does fly when you are having fun! I lived through the first winter, and then the pretty hot here, temps up to 44C!

On the way we managed to get ourselves two dogs, Colo Colo and Diablo...and they give up a lot of joy...and frustration!

I will try to keep up with this a bit better from now on. I literally forgot all about the damn thing!

Well I just returned from a week long sojourn in my former home town of Sydney. Had a three day feastfest with my dearest friends Nicole and Debbie, it was Debbie's 35th birthday, and we went all out. Spent most of my time eating and drinking with the two of them. A fantastic time was had by all!

On the way back we got stuck at the airport for most of the day due to a thick fog covering the whole of Launceston and stretching right out over the Bass Strait and the Islands. Flinders and Cape Barren were both completely covered. Finally we were able to take off for Cape Barren, which was relatively clear, but just across the strait, there was Flinders, still covered!


Richard09 said...

I kept meaning to remind you, but then forgetting myself. This blogging business is harder work than it looks, but if you post I'll read it.

Groovy Lushious said...

Thanks Richard, at least I know someone is interested!

Im just a lazy blogger I guess

Anonymous said...

Hi Clancy.

It's me, the late Herbert from the Martin Willett forum board.

Don't panic - I'm not stalking you.

I'm just on a recruitment drive for our forum board, and you came to mind.

If you'd care to check us over... here we are:|

