Monday, June 30, 2008

Argy Bargy...

Started to come down with a sore throat on Friday...there it was. I knew what was coming next. Sure enough, despite my best efforts...a cold. So now I have a racking cough, sore throat and a voice that sounds like a rusty saw.

Ah well, I was bound to get it.

On Saturday we went for a drive back to the beach we had visited before, Mauro wanted to find some flat rocks for the garden path.

No more shells though.

Then we went exploring down another track, big mistake. We got stuck at one point and had to back up, and to top it off we hit a tree branch which swung back and smashed the left side mirror. Broke the glass and took the mounting off. That was fun to tell my boss about this morning.

Then the track just stopped at the top of a hill and went through what looked like private land. There was a gate at the bottom. Closed, and it took s a hell of a time to get it open. WE saw a car and a motorbike go by in that time. (A lot of traffic for an island with a population of about 70, considering no one lived up the end we were).

Actually it turned out that were not that far from The Corner, because we soon came across the airfield. Home again!

So the NEXT day, Sunday. With me dosed up on panadol, cough syrup and vitamin C, we set off again. Originally we wanted to go the other side of the island, but Mauro was navigating, and he is more useless at reading maps than I am. We ended up going back the way we had come home the day before, but continued on past the point here we had come through the gate and followed the surfaced road to the end, where it ended at a beach with an iconic tin shack on it. I found out from one of the locals today that it had been specifically built for BBQ's, and there were plans to put a water tank there too.

Then we drove back a bit and went down the side road, which eventually turned into a dirt road again. But signs of civilisation, there was some road grading machinery lining it. They had been putting in some concrete culverts and bridges.

After driving for a while we came across another four wheel drive coming towards us. It was K, who is one of the people to go to to get things done. (I have a collection of them now). He told us to watch out for a swarm of native bees that had attacked him. Fortunately they don't have stings, but one of his dogs had snapped one out of the air. The dog's name was Colin (Colin?)

He showed it to us rather proudly, and we leant out our car windows having a chat...I felt like a real local. He had just been down to the beach at the end of the road, a place called Battery Bay, looking for shells. "You won't find any, I took em all" he said.

I told him about my finding of the Paper Nautilus, he trumped me by saying he had 14 (mind you he has lived there his WHOLE LIFE). And then told us that he had been out on Key Island last week and got a bit hungry, so picked some limpets off the rocks and ate them raw.


When we got to the beach (eventually) we could see his footprints and the dogs in the sand.

No shells.

But a nice view.

Then we drove back a bit and took a track coming off the main road. It led down to a dried out lagoon. We followed it over the lagoon and up a rise. Good thing I stopped on the top of the rise, cause it went very steeply down the other side and into another lagoon, not a dry one this time.

So ten point turn and retreated.

Starving hungry so home again.

Anyway, the whole issue about the barge was in the news today.

I might be asking for food packages soon!!!

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