Thursday, July 2, 2009

Weather update

And it continues.

Last night we were woken by two massive claps of thunder. Must have been right on top of us. Sounded like oil drums rolling along the street. A huge flash of lightnning, and the power went off for about 30 seconds. Fortunately it came back on before I had woken up enough to find my shoes to go and turn the generators on.

Today it dawned reasonably clear. But cold.

But it didnt last. Its been raining on and off all day, and a very black cloud has just rolled in and is proceeding to dump its load on us.

I have had only the one patient all day.

Mayb I should do some work?


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Horrible Horrible day today.

Mail plane made it in, but barely.

Three patients all day cause no one wanted to go out in the rain. Beige mud everywhere.